(Quick Reference)



The improxSmartInvoker.groovy script invokes any .groovy file in an appropriate way.

This script is very useful for invoking from editors or IDEs. All you have to do is to register it as External Tools .


groovy improxSmartInvoker.groovy /path/to/yourApp/test/unit/sample/SampleUnitTests.groovy --[1]
groovy improxSmartInvoker.groovy /path/to/yourApp/test/integration/sample/SampleIntegTests.groovy --[2]
groovy improxSmartInvoker.groovy /path/to/yourApp/test/functional/sample/SampleFuncTests.groovy --[3]
groovy improxSmartInvoker.groovy /path/to/scriptDir/myTribialScript.groovy --[4]
  • [1] invokes 'test-app unit: sample.SampleUnitTests' on the interactive mode.
  • [2] invokes 'test-app integration: sample.SampleIntegTests' on the interactive mode.
  • [3] invokes 'grails test-app functional: sample.SampleFuncTests' as new standalone Grails process.
  • [4] invokes 'groovy /path/to/scriptDir/myTribialScript.groovy' as a normal Groovy script. If you've istalled GroovyServ, the groovyclient is automatically used instead of groovy command.



groovy [-Dimprox.port=PORT] improxSmartInvoker.groovy FILE_PATH


  • FILE_PATH - The file path which you want to invoke in an appropriate way

System properties:

  • improx.port (optional) - The port number which is used for connection between client and server (default: 8096)