How to Build


To build is required:

  • Java 8+
  • Go 1.19+

For Windows users

I think you can build on Cygwin in Windows. But if there are environment variables specialized for Cygwin (e.g. /cygdrive/c/your/dir/path), you will fail. So I recommend building on a DOS prompt or PowerShell, instead.

Build a binary package dedicated to your environment

After downloading and expanding a GroovyServ’s source package to any directory, build it with Gradle as follows:

$ cd /tmp
$ unzip
$ cd groovyserv-1.2.0-src
$ ./gradlew clean distLocalBin

Then a ZIP file will be generated.


This zip file is dedicated to your environment. So you can use it immediately just after expanding it.

Build a general binary package

After downloading and expanding a GroovyServ’s source package to any directory, build it with Gradle as follows:

$ cd /tmp
$ unzip
$ cd groovyserv-1.2.0-src
$ ./gradlew clean dist

Then some ZIP files will be generated.


According to Install from binary package, install it.

Build a RPM package

If you want to install GroovyServ from a RPM package, you can build it by yourself. The sample SPEC file which is required to build a RPM package was contributed by Oliver at first. Then, Kazuhisya keeps update it. Thank you, Oliver and Kazuhiyha! The samples of the SPEC file is in contrib/rpm-spec. Well, I don’t know how to build a RPM package, so I cannot support about it. Sorry in advance ;-)


If you want to run tests (including unit tests and integration tests), run Gradle with following arguments:

$ export _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
$ ./gradlew check